In a surprising turn of events in Campbell, police officers responded to a call from concerned locals and discovered Andrew Fiddler, 32, from Campbell, asleep in his car with a running engine, a cache of drugs, and a loaded handgun. According to the Campbell Police Department, a watchful resident's report led to this drug bust in a community unaccustomed to such criminal activity.
On Monday, Fiddler was found with drugs, including fentanyl pills, and a handgun registered to another person. He now faces multiple charges, among them possession with intent to sell narcotics and carrying a loaded firearm under the influence. "He experienced a medical emergency," said the department, as police had to administer NARCAN to the suspect to combat a drug overdose.
Further investigation led to a search of Fiddler's home, uncovering more evidence of drug-related activities. The police commended the diligent citizen whose actions precipitated the arrest.