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Published on January 22, 2024
Deerfield Beach's J's Kitchen Rebounds with Passed Health Inspection After Previous ClosuresSource: Google Street View

After a string of health violations that closed down J's Kitchen numerous times over the past years, the South Florida restaurant has managed to turn things around, passing its latest health inspection. According to a report by Newsbreak, the troubled eatery faced 17 violations in its most recent check, which included two high-priority issues, on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023.

Notorious for its past shutdowns, due to roach and rodent infestations, J's Kitchen's spiral of health and safety violations seems to have come to a halt. The December inspection marked a sharp turnaround for the establishment, which had been ordered to close four times previously, the latest of which was attributed to significant rodent issues, including more than 180 pieces of droppings found, throughout the restaurant.

Previous health concerns detailed evidence of smoking in food prep areas, and uncovered food items — forming a picture of a restaurant seemingly oblivious to basic sanitary standards. Yet, amid the health inspection drama and cleanup efforts, J's Kitchen has now met the mark to remain operational, with reports of rodent droppings dwindling down to 14 during the fourth re-inspection, before the final clean bill of health was given.

Other establishments in South Florida have not been so lucky, with Local 10 News reporting that several restaurants, including Las Columnas Restaurant in Doral, and Chez Nous Restaurant Plus in Miramar, also received orders to shut down due to various health and safety violations. These ranged from roaches to improper food storage temperatures, which are indicative of the ongoing battle for food safety compliance in the area.

As J's Kitchen reopens its doors, customers who were once wary may find reassurance in the restaurant's apparent commitment to uphold the health standards required by law. The ordeal serves as a stark reminder, that the cost of neglecting food safety regulations can result in more than just temporary closures; it can damage a business's reputation and consumer trust significantly. For diners in Deerfield Beach, the rise of J’s Kitchen from the mire of health code violations is perhaps a cautious nod to second chances in the food service industry.