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Published on February 19, 2024
Former Foster Youth and UTSA Freshman Gifted New Subaru After Austin MarathonSource: The University of Texas at San Antonio

At the Austin Marathon on Sunday, Abel Marron Rodriguez, a freshman at the University of Texas at San Antonio, received a surprise that was worth more than his medal — a shiny new Subaru awaited him at the finish line, courtesy of City Limits Subaru and Austin Angels. The 21-year-old, who was previously in the foster care system, was used to a grueling three-hour bus commute between cities for his studies and family visits. "I can't even describe it," Rodriguez said, expressing his gratitude to Austin Angels for their steadfast support, as reported by CBS Austin.

The marathon not only showcased physical endurance but also the power of mentorship and community. Rodriguez, who had been part of the National Angels' Dare to Dream mentor program since age 15, completed the half marathon alongside his mentor, Connor Copeland. Enjoying their run together, Copeland said, "It's just a really amazing way to kind of — the culmination of everything we've been through together," according to KXAN.

Austin Angels, affiliated with National Angels, has the mission to provide long-term support and help foster relationships that can last a lifetime for kids who have aged out of the system. The organization, which focuses on mentorship and support services, sees stories like Rodriguez's as a touchstone for their work in the community. "Our [Dare to Dream] match is officially going to end later this year, but we're gonna be friends forever," Rodriguez said, as per KXAN.