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Published on March 12, 2024
North Atlanta High School Fortifies Security Following Emailed Bomb and Shooting ThreatsSource: Google Street View

An atmosphere of unease enveloped North Atlanta High School as local authorities ramped up security measures following a chilling bomb and shooting threat received via email targeting the institution.

The alarming communication, which specifically aimed at about a dozen faculty members, promised a violent event on Monday morning, causing concern amongst the student body, "I was just, like, nervous," student Mia Walker said as families were promptly notified of the potential danger, "My mom told me about it. I guess the school sent out an e-mail," student Lane Whitfield said in a statement obtained by FOX 5 Atlanta.

Acting with a sense of urgency, APS Police Chief Ronald Applin canceled scheduled off-days and championed a full-scale investigation; his team scrutinized the campus over the weekend with augmented security visible on Monday, "We, of course, had cameras monitoring the school. We had officers dropping in looking for anything suspicious," Chief Applin informed FOX 5 Atlanta, revealing that a canine unit was also employed to ensure thoroughness.

According to the information released, the emailed threat did not only raise the specter of explosive devices and a shooting incident but also referenced a prominent national politician, although Chief Applin abstained from delving into the fulcrum of specifics, the statement also noted "It spun up a lot of people I had to pull some people out of things that they were doing over the weekend," Applin said, "It was purely a threat to cause harm to people at North Atlanta High School."

In the wake of the scare, students vocalized their gratitude for the intensified security measures, with one senior Ava Baradl commenting, "We have metal detectors, so hopefully, they catch everybody that comes in." In tandem, student Lane Whitfield expressed confidence in the school's safety protocols to FOX 5 Atlanta, "I feel safe right now. I think North Atlanta does a good job with bag checks, and we have officers on campus."

Atlanta Public Schools, in concordance with the Atlanta Police Department, are continuing the investigation as stated in a release shared by Atlanta News First: "APSPD and APD will continue to check the property throughout the remainder of the weekend and have additional law enforcement visibility on tomorrow."