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Published on March 30, 2024
San Diego and National City Flood Victims Face May 11 Deadline for County Lodging ProgramSource: County of San Diego

Time's ticking for more than 800 Emergency Temporary Lodging program households, as they face a May 11 deadline to transition out of county-provided accommodations. In the wake of the January floods, these lodgings served as a stopgap for those whose homes were affected, but the clock is now running out.

A concerted push from the County, along with the City of San Diego and National City, is underway to get residents to apply for FEMA assistance, a vital move for continued aid. Despite these efforts, over 400 folks are dragging their feet, with 169 unreachable as of March 29. Yet, FEMA funds are flowing, with over 6,000 registrations, 2,299 approved for assistance, and $17 million delivered, as confirmed by County News Center.

Three tiers of deadlines have been set for program participants: seven-day notices are going out to those who haven't signed up for FEMA aid, breached program conduct, lacked flood-impact proof, or failed to claim through insurers, as per County News Center. Others have a 14-day window if FEMA gives the green light to return to their homes. The last group has until the program ends to secure alternative housing.

Renowned for their pragmatism, the county dispatches resource packs to aid the impending move. These include mental health resources, volunteers, food support, and FEMA or state aid information. The hotline 858-715-2255 is in full swing to clarify eligibility quagmires, with staff poised to provide necessary guidance. Everyone in the program has been grouped according to their unique situation. Still, the end game is the same—finding a more permanent solution by the designated deadlines.