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Published on March 07, 2024
Washington State Legislature Passes Trio of Citizen Initiatives on Policing, Tax, and K-12 Parental RightsSource: Martin Kraft, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Washington State Legislature, in a historic move, has green-lit three citizen-driven initiatives covering police pursuits, a ban on income taxes, and a K-12 parental rights manifesto. On Monday, March 4, Initiative 2081 was among the trio approved by lawmakers, now set to transform into state law without the need for the governor's autograph, effective early June, following a customary 90-day post-session enactment period, as reported by the Kirkland Reporter.

Washington has witnessed history make its mark as such a legislative trifecta hasn't been observed since 1995, and before that, on barely a handful of instances within a century, per Kirkland Reporter. Backing for these initiatives included fiscal contributions from investor Brian Heywood, whose organization, Let’s Go Washington, amassed hundreds of thousands of signatures, while Democrats, currently helming majorities in both legislative chambers, permitted three of the proposals, shelving the rest for a fall election.

Particularly impactful is Initiative 2081, or the so-called K-12 "parents' bill of rights," that guarantees parental access to their children's school curriculums and medical records, as detailed by NBC 15 News. This amendment empowers parents with the choice to exclude their offspring from classwork inquiring into matters of sexuality, religion, or politics in what is a concrete stride towards amplified parental involvement within the educational system.