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Published on April 19, 2024
Arizona State Retirement System Introduces 'Route 4' Program to Prep Members for RetirementSource: Arizona State Retirement System

If you're six months away from clocking out of the workforce for good, the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) has cooked up something that might be just the ticket. Known as “Route 4: Next Exit Retirement,” this program is tailored to give future retirees the lowdown on what they need to know before they take their last bow in the employment world. Whether through a snappy video, a face-to-face sit down, or an online webinar, ASRS is looking to help members cross the retirement finish line with all their ducks in a row.

According to the Arizona State Retirement System, Route 4 is the go-to resource for getting a handle on your credited service, average monthly salary, and the annuity options that are gonna be shaping up your pockets post-retirement. They're even promising a number that'll give you a sneak peek into your future monthly pension. But here's the kicker: attendees need to first mark their calendars and sign up quickly, as spots are typically scheduled two months out.

But before you start to truly get ready to quickly to hang up your hat, ASRS throws in another curveball—Route 3: Destination in Sight. While Route 4 is the final leg of the journey, the groundwork is laid in Route 3, and they recommend getting this under your belt beforehand. It's like doing your homework before the big test. And speaking of signing up, that's done through your secure myASRS account—just a few clicks on the "Communication & Education" dropdown, and you're in there like swimwear.

Keep in mind, though, that if you're trying to untangle the web of health insurance benefits, Route 4’s got its limits. The brief on health insurance is just that—brief. For the nitty-gritty on ASRS health insurance, you’re gonna want to virtually attend a “Know Your Insurance” webinar, as per the Arizona State Retirement System. For the full schedule of these enlightening meetings and webinars, pointing your browser to the Member Education page will put you on the right track.