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Published on April 04, 2024
San Diego County Reminder, One Week Left to Pay Property Taxes to Avoid PenaltyPhoto by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector Dan McAllister has issued a reminder that the clock is ticking on paying property taxes, with just one week before the second installment is due. As reported, property owners collectively owe a hefty $8.63 billion--that's $566 million more than the previous year.

"The deadline to pay is a week away," McAllister said in a statement, urging folks to avoid the 10% penalty fee that comes with being tardy. Over seventy percent of taxpayers have hopped on the digital bandwagon, finding reprieve in e-Checks for their speed and security. Payment can be verified on, where McAllister suggests stamping that digital payment before it’s too late.

If you haven't paid up since the first bill last November, your cash is funding the local lifelines—from schools to public health services. Real talk: property taxes keep the heart of our community pumping, not to mention keeping the lawns of bureaucracy mowed and trimmed.

Left your payment to the last minute? You have options— mailing it (mark that envelope by December 11) or dialing in your dues. There's also the face-to-face approach: strut into one of the three branch offices and pay before the doors close at 5 p.m.