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Published on May 24, 2024
Arizona Governor Enacts Groundbreaking Law Erasing Time Limits for Sex Trafficking Victims to Overturn ConvictionsSource: Google Street View

In a significant move to bolster the rights of sex trafficking victims, the Governor of Arizona has signed into law House Bill 2623, effectively shattering the time constraints that previously barred many from seeking justice. Authored by State Representative Matt Gress, the bill's passage ensures victims of sex trafficking can now attempt to vacate convictions for prostitution offenses, regardless of when the crime took place.

This legislative shift, as noted in an announcement from the state representative's office, addresses the inherent challenge that, until now, victims facing this particular form of exploitation had to awkwardly prove the connection between their trafficking ordeal and any resulting charges of prostitution to qualify for conviction relief — but only if the offense happened before July 24, 2014. In a statement obtained by the Arizona Legislature website, Rep. Gress emphasized, "Not every victim of sex trafficking is ready or able to share their story at the time of their prosecution." He added "Coming forward is often a long and difficult process. That’s why this new law is important for victims, ensuring they can seek justice and clear their names, no matter when their exploitation occurred."

House Bill 2623 sailed through both the House and Senate, garnering wide bipartisan support. It marks a leap forward in recognizing the ongoing trauma faced by survivors of human trafficking and the difficulties involved in their road to recovery and legal exoneration.

The bill's enactment was also sweetened by the advocacy work of Sheri Lopez. As the founder of the nonprofit Pearl at the Mailbox, Lopez has been to truly dedicate herself to educating policymakers on the relentless realities of human trafficking. Her efforts have been cited as instrumental to the bill's success. Rep. Gress honored her courage and commitment in his remarks, saying, "Her advocacy has been instrumental in bringing about this important legislative change, and her heart to help and heal other victims is an inspiration for us all," according to the same Arizona Legislature press release.

Representative Gress, who aligns with the Republican party and represents Legislative District 4 in Phoenix, holds a notable role as Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Budgetary Funding Formulas. His legislative footprint is now further defined by his role in championing legislation that reconceptualizes the framework of justice for some of Arizona's most vulnerable populations, standing as an example of the kinds of structural transformations that are possible within the confines of the law.