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Published on May 25, 2024
Burlington Police Boost School Security After Threat to Middle School Spurs InvestigationSource: Google Street View

Burlington cops are on high alert as they gear up to patrol the halls of local schools Tuesday following an ominous call that put one middle school on edge. An anonymous threat rumbling through the phone lines vowed harm at Marshall Simonds Middle School, setting off alarms and putting authorities on the trail, as per reports from Boston 25 News.

Officials caught wind of the chilling threat close to the ring of the 3 p.m. school bell last Friday, although details about the callee who picked up the sinister message weren't released. Despite skepticism about the threat's legitimacy, Burlington's finest aren't taking any chances—with badges slated to be a common sight around school grounds, blazoning their commitment to safety, as stated in a release echoed by another outlet.

While the exact roots of the menacing call remain shrouded, the response by the authorities is crystal clear. "Safety at schools is of utmost importance to Burlington Police, and we will continue to investigate this incident and provide any updates as they arise," Police Capt. Daniel Hanafin said, according to Boston 25 News.

The town's school superintendent, Eric Conti, has thrown his weight behind the boys in blue, expressing gratitude for their swift response and reiterating a line that has echoed down hallways and across playing fields: "The safety of our students and school community is our first priority. We take any potential threat extremely seriously," he affirmed. Folks at Burlington Public Schools are working hand-in-glove with the police, having been quoted by multiple sources that include an online publication.