Minneapolis/ Parks & Nature
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Published on May 25, 2024
Cleary Lake Regional Park Hosts Mindfulness Hike this JuneSource: Unsplash/Mak Sim

This summer, city dwellers desperate for a breather from the concrete jungle are being beckoned by the lush greenery and age-old trees of Cleary Lake Regional Park. In what promises to be a serenity-laden experience, the park is hosting an Old Growth Forest Mindfulness Hike on Tuesday, June 4, inviting participants to engage in both physical exertion and mental tranquility.

The event, to undoubtedly provide a welcome reprieve from the stressors of daily life, will embrace a two-mile trek through the park’s most storied trails. The excursion is poised to blend mindful exercises with bouts of stretching, inviting hikers of every age and capability to take part. Sources have noted that the activities are designed to be accessible for all, fostering an environment where mindfulness isn't just a lofty concept, but an attainable state of being.

Stretching from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM, this eco-friendly endeavor does not discriminate; whether you're pushing an all-terrain stroller or pacing the trails alone, the hike aims to serve as a communal breathing space. According to a statement obtained by Scott County's official communication, the program is free of charge, with the only stipulation being that children 11 and under remain under the watchful eye of an accompanying adult.

For those jonesing to rediscover their center or simply to break away to sweat amongst the oaks and pines, this event could just be the ticket. It's an opportunity to not only stretch your legs but also to stretch your mental boundaries, all whilst enveloped by the wisdom of an old-growth forest. To join in on this pastoral escape from the hurly-burly, no registrations are necessary – just show up, ready to breathe deeply and step mindfully into nature.