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Published on May 25, 2024
Free SomaYoga Class by the River in Shakopee Offers Stress Relief on June 7Source: Unsplash/bruce mars

Stress got you tied up in knots? A free yoga class might just be the unraveling you need. Sofia Silva, a certified SomaYoga instructor, will lead a serene session dedicated to stress management at The Landing – Minnesota River Heritage Park in Shakopee. The event is scheduled for June 7, from 7 to 8:30 PM, inviting participants to practice in the presence of the tranquil Minnesota River.

Yoga enthusiasts, mindfulness seekers, and newbies alike are welcome to this outdoor endeavor designed to create awareness around the mind-body connection; this SomaYoga session combines breathing exercises, small movements, and guided relaxation, Silva promises an integrated experience that participants can carry with them well beyond the yoga mat. While the instructor confirms that the program is bilingual in English and Spanish, ensuring that language is no barrier to relaxation, Silva has also designed the movement to be modifiable catering to all levels and abilities, so there are no excuses for not stretching out your stress.

Those looking to secure their spot should consider preregistration, though it isn't a requirement, a yoga mat or towel is the only gear needed for this escapade into mindfulness, which is open to anyone aged 16 and over. According to Scott County's official alert, preregistration is a smart move for those seeking updates on potential weather-induced changes or cancellations. It's a practical step to ensure your Friday evening remains as uninterrupted as your newfound peace of mind should be.

So if the daily grind is turning your brain into overcooked spaghetti, consider joining this peaceful convergence under the open sky and alongside the flowing river, maybe, just maybe, you'll find the soma to your somber or at least an hour and a half of serene stretching before the weekend hits. Don't let the river be the only thing that goes with the flow this June – join Sofia Silva and a community of like-minded individuals for an evening that promises to be as relaxing as it is enriching.