Austin/ Science, Tech & Medicine
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Published on May 25, 2024
Holoconnects Unveils AI-Powered Holobox at SXSW, Teleporting Austin into the FutureSource: Unsplash / Becky Fantham

The future just stepped out of sci-fi and into reality, as Dutch firm Holoconnects unveils its AI-driven holography tech, which could potentially change the digital interaction game across industries. Steve Sterling, the Managing Director of Holoconnects North America, showcased the company's trailblazing Holobox at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, hinting at a new era of consumer engagement, CBS Austin reported.

The Holobox captures an image against a white backdrop, and then projects a 3D hologram inside a custom-designed box, complete with AI-generated graphics. It's not just a fancy visual: it has functional applications, from hotel check-in kiosks to medical consultations in remote locations. "You walk up, the hologram greets you, and then you can check in using the touch buttons," Sterling explained in a statement obtained by CBS Austin.

Holoconnects is also venturing into the medical field, as its technology allows healthcare providers to offer live holographic consultations. "Imagine a doctor being able to appear as a live hologram in a rural area, providing much-needed medical care," Andre Smith, co-founder and CEO of Holoconnects, told CBS Austin. This innovation aims to bridge the accessibility gap in healthcare, offering expertise in areas previously underserved.

Retail is another sector gearing up for a holographic revolution. Customers could interact with holograms of products, customize them, and make purchases on the spot. "The possibilities are endless," Roel Gijsbers, CEO of 270 Degrees said, according to CBS Austin. But it's not all business, Holoconnects has found use in the arts as well, supporting artist Gary James McQueen with a unique display of his work at a gallery in Austin. "We were happy to be able to provide one of our smaller units for him to display this great work called Human Nature that he did," a spokesperson for Holoconnect told FOX 7 Austin.

This holographic technology isn't just about enhancing experiences—it also has a sustainable angle. It eliminates the need for travel by providing a real-time, life-sized presence from across the globe. "We want to make real impact in the world on a global scale," mentioned a representative from Holoconnect, in a statement obtained by FOX 7 Austin. With holograms stepping boldly out of the confines of science fiction into our regular routines, the potential for widespread application, and transformation appears to be not just probable, but imminent.

Austin-Science, Tech & Medicine