Nashville/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on May 26, 2024
Houston Couple Accused of Pickpocketing Spree Nabbed in Nashville's Nightlife HubSource: Metropolitan Nashville Police Department

A couple from Houston with a knack for light fingers were collared in the heart of Music City's nightlife, putting an end to their alleged Broadway pickpocketing spree. Miledis Gomez Fonseca, 30, and Andy Alberti Diaz, 40, were busted after security personnel at Jason Aldean's Broadway establishment recognized the pair and called the cops, as WSMV reported.

Nashville Metro Police, who had been on the tail of these suspected bandits for weeks, finally nabbed the duo early Saturday. Fonseca was reportedly found with four cell phones, and two wallets, that weren't hers, according to what police told FOX 17. It's alleged that the couple used credit cards swiped from their victims to go on spending sprees across Tennessee.

The arrest at Jason Aldean's Kitchen + Rooftop Bar took place around 1:30 a.m., with detectives hot on the couple's trail after spotting them on surveillance footage from various downtown venues. The police stressed the importance of patrons keeping their valuables close and cautioned against leaving personal items unattended, advice that was underscored by Fonseca's admittance that she had lifted the items found in her purse from bar-goers earlier that night.

Both Fonseca and Diaz are being held on an $80,000 bond each, and the police expect, to slap additional charges on them as their investigation unfolds. "When asked during an interview whether she had any stolen property with her this morning, Fonseca said there were four cell phones and two wallets in her purse that she had lifted earlier in the night from patrons at Jason Aldean’s and Kid Rock’s bars," WSMV disclosed. Property recovered this morning has begun making its way back to rightful owners, thanks to the detectives' swift work.

The narrative of Nashville's entertainment district has been marred of late by stories of theft and loss. Luckily for the patrons, this duo's dance with other people's dollars has come to an end. Officials expressed that the couple's arrest should serve as a stark reminder for all to remain vigilant with their belongings amidst the city's bustling nightlife scene as per a statement obtained by WKRN.