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Published on May 23, 2024
Knoxville's Augusta Quarry Construction on Pace for Late Fall Completion, Total Revamp Costs Hit $5.4 MillionSource: City of Knoxville

Construction work at Fort Dickerson Park's Augusta Quarry is on track, with significant developments reported on the much-anticipated $3.6 million facelift. According to an update from the City of Knoxville, the site is bustling as contractor crews hustle to get utilities in place and foundations set for the array of new facilities, including restrooms, changing areas, and an expanded overlook for the once idyllic swimming hole.

The quarry, a popular summer spot for locals, currently sports the skeletal base of five new buildings, and with water and electrical connections underway, the concrete foundations are poised to follow. In their progress report, the City of Knoxville notes that the grading for the ramp to the waterfront has also been tackled, teeing up visitors for improved access once the park reopens. Urban Wilderness Coordinator Wes Soward was quoted expressing optimism about meeting the late fall deadline, "We are on pace to complete this major, upgrade, and reopen the quarry by late fall, as scheduled."

This investment in public enjoyment and safety isn't light on the municipal purse, however. With the initial $1.77 million spent on entrance and accessibility improvements already banked, the total cost for the Augusta Quarry enhancements is nearing a steep $5.4 million. But officials are banking on the premise that these improvements will pay dividends in visitor satisfaction and park accessibility.

Due to the ongoing construction and the presence of heavy machinery, the quarry remains off-limits to the public. Parking restrictions are in force, and those who ignore them, risk the wrath of the towing services. While the Augusta Avenue entrance and adjoining lots are closed, Soward confirms that other park areas, including the Chapman Highway entrance to Fort Dickerson Park and the picnic and upper trails, are still welcoming visitors.