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Published on May 23, 2024
Maricopa Celebrates 19 New Citizen Leadership Academy Graduates Ready to Engage in Civic AffairsSource: City of Maricopa

Maricopa's latest bunch of know-how residents have just graduated from the Citizen Leadership Academy, as the City Council gave them a nod earlier this week. These nineteen newly minted grads now join a proud legion of 376 locals since 2009 who have taken it upon themselves to deeply comprehend the gears and sprockets of city operations.

The Citizen Leadership Academy has been steadily equipping Maricopa's residents with the tools to not merely spectate but to actively participate in community affairs. The classes take the willing through a journey to grasp the nuts and bolts of Maricopa's history, the lifelines of public safety, the labyrinth of regional issues, and the intricate dance of economic development. According to the city's official announcement, Patricia Hesse, who is fresh off graduation, lauded the program, "I would absolutely recommend this academy to anyone who either wants to get involved or just wanted to get enlightened on how the community is run."

A tidy checklist is all that stands between an interested citizen and completion of the academy. Attend at least three out of four sessions offered, and choose to either carry out a minimum of 90 minutes in community service or sit in on one board, commission, or committee meeting. Mayor Nancy Smith is a staunch advocate for the academy's potential to unveil the city's inner workings. Mayor Smith told the city's news page, "If you've ever wondered how business choose to come to our city, how many police and fire employees are needed, and the overall financial health of Maricopa, those questions and more get answered at the Citizen Leadership Academy."

The academy swings its doors open twice a year, once when winter lays rest to its chill and again as spring plants its warmth. Those looking to jump aboard the next session, better keep their eyes peeled on the city's weekly newsletter for a sign. If past sessions are any indication, being quick to act would be wise – the knowledge boat doesn't anchor for long.