Boston/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on May 24, 2024
MBTA Bus Towed After Collision with Private Bus in Busy Boston IntersectionSource: X/ MBTA Transit Police

A typical day in Boston traffic went awry when a private interstate passenger bus made an unexpected turn and collided with an MBTA vehicle, causing an urban stir. The incident took place yesterday at the congested crossroads of Kneeland and Surface Artery.

According to the MBTA Transit Police Department's X account, the altercation happened shortly after noon. The T bus was subsequently towed, leaving no reported injuries. The private bus, apparently, in a moment of miscalculation, veered into the MBTA bus lane. Its operator purportedly believed the coast was clear, claiming he "needed to get into the right lane & thought he was clear to do so."



The accident briefly disrupted the flow of traffic, a not so uncommon scene in Boston streets, as the city's congestion often leads to such incidents. However, the absence of injuries in this particular event kept it from escalating into a major news spectacle.