Minneapolis/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on May 25, 2024
Minneapolis Man Convicted of Daytime Kidnapping and Identity Theft in Brazen Crime SpreeSource: Jonathunder, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A Minneapolis man's spree of fear and fraud ended in a guilty verdict as a federal jury nailed him on counts of kidnapping, bank fraud, and aggravated identity theft. Raphael Raymond Nunn, 52, faced justice after an exhaustive federal probe revealed a sinister trail of armed robberies and stolen identities. According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, Nunn executed a daytime kidnapping at gunpoint, coercing a woman to withdraw cash from an ATM before abandoning her vehicle.

The criminal odyssey began on a September morning in 2022 when Nunn, hiding his identity behind gloves and a mask, ambushed a woman after parking her car. The chilling details emerged at trial, where he forced her to hit the ATM for his gain, and escaping with her vehicle, as prosecutors laid out. Nunn casually discarded his disguise after fleeing in the victim's car and was captured by surveillance cameras entering a corner grocery store, the very store he'd last patronized in her stolen vehicle.

Police connected the dots when Nunn brazenly returned to the scene in a vehicle registered to his name, which ultimately led investigators to his doorstep in Minneapolis. A subsequent search of Nunn's residence unearthed more evidence tying him to additional victims whom he had also robbed and whose credit cards he later used fraudulently to siphon funds from their bank accounts.

Following his arrest on September 22, Nunn found himself before Judge Eric C. Tostrud in a federal courtroom where his fate was sealed. After four days of trial, where Assistant U.S. Attorneys Albania Concepcion and Lauren O. Roso presented a compelling case, the jury handed down guilty verdicts. Nunn was convicted yesterday on one count of kidnapping, commanding two counts of bank fraud, and two counts of aggravated identity theft. "A sentencing hearing will be held at a later date," stated the U.S. Attorney's Office.

The FBI, joining forces with the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office, Oak Park Police, and Hudson Police Department, conducted the investigation that brought Nunn to justice. The community, once terrorized by Nunn's brazen daylight crimes, can now await the court's final judgment at the sentencing hearing, date pending.