Washington, D.C./ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on May 24, 2024
Northwest Man Fatally Shot in Southeast DC, Metropolitan Police InvestigatingSource: Google Street View

The streets of Southeast became a crime scene once more as the Metropolitan Police Department investigates a deadly shooting that claimed the life of a Northwest man. The incident unfolded on the night of May 22, leaving residents once again reckoning with the persistent drumbeat of violence.

It was around 10:45 p.m. when residents of the 4800 block of Alabama Avenue, Southeast, were startled by the echo of gunshots shattering the night air. Police, responding to calls, found 35-year-old William Spriggs with injuries that spoke unmistakably of violence, the marks of gunfire that left him lifeless. Despite the swift response of DC Fire and EMS, the curtain had fallen on Spriggs' life, as confirmed dead at the scene, according to the Metropolitan Police Department.

With Spriggs hailing from Northwest, the reverberations of this tragedy cross the boundary lines of DC, uniting disparate parts of a city in collective grief and concern. The Metropolitan Police are continuing their investigation, and hardly, a day goes by without prompting the imperative for solutions that bring peace to streets where children play, and families build lives. The public plea for information has been made loud and clear, with authorities urging anyone with knowledge of the incident to step forward.