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Published on May 17, 2024
Pennsylvania Launches Lyme Disease Awareness with Student Art Competition and New Online DashboardSource: Pennsylvania Department of Health

In a colorful bid to combat Lyme disease, the Shapiro Administration has spotlighted the creative talents of young Pennsylvanians with its 'Protect. Check. Remove. Lyme Disease Student Art Competition'. The program, aimed at raising awareness about tick prevention, revealed its 29 student winners, whose artistic interpretations on the subject matter will be displayed in a high-traffic area of the Pennsylvania State Capitol, as reported by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

Dealing with ticks isn't just a walk in the park, that's why the acting Secretary of Health, Dr. Debra Bogen, has emphasized the educational value of the contest. "This student art competition offers a hands-on, creative opportunity for students and their families to learn how to prevent tick bites and Lyme disease," she stated, as per the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The initiative spreads the word on enjoying the outdoors while avoiding the nasty bite of tickborne illnesses, which are prevalent in all 67 Pennsylvania counties.

To further tick-proof its residents, Pennsylvania's Department of Health has also introduced a new online dashboard. This digital tool, crafted to provide residents with the knowledge of where ticks are most common, invites the public to take the necessary precautions to stay bite-free. And it seems, the key to staying safe while reveling in the great outdoors is education and some practical steps in tick prevention.

'Tick bites can ruin a good time out in nature so it's important to take commonsense measures to protect yourself, your family, and your pets,' explained DEP Deputy Secretary for Field Operations John Ryder. The advice from experts includes wearing light-colored clothing to spot ticks easily, using EPA-approved insect repellants, and conducting thorough tick checks post-adventure. Even tossing clothes in a high-heat dryer cycle could be a lifesaver by eliminating any clingy ticks.

When it comes to Lyme disease, Pennsylvania doesn't take a back seat; the state often ranks among the top in the nation for Lyme disease cases. Quick action post-bite, typically with a course of antibiotics, can head off the infection, which if left untreated, can wreak havoc on the joints, heart, and nervous system.

The art competition, which drew more than 253 submissions, crowns a variety of victors – from Anwitha Ajith, a first-grader from Chester County to the sixth-grade video ensemble from Luzerne County. It's initiatives like these that turn the sobering reality of Lyme disease into a canvas of consciousness and creativity, poised to help safeguard Pennsylvanian's health as they bask in the splendor of the state's natural landscapes, as per the insights from officials of DOH, DCNR, and DEP.