Phoenix/ Politics & Govt
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Published on May 26, 2024
Prescott Valley Proposes Hefty $210 Million Budget Focused on Infrastructure, Safety, and ParksSource: Unsplash/ Scott Blake

In a decisive move to ensure the economic vitality of their community, the Prescott Valley Town Council has rolled out a hefty $210 million tentative budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Slamming the piggy bank shut on wasteful spending, the council has charted a course for a budget that stays true to its conservative roots — matching recurring revenues with ongoing expenses for a structural balance that would make any accountant proud.

The council plans to aggressively continue to bolster its war chest, pushing the General Fund Balance to a whopping $63 million by the end of fiscal year '25, which is to say they're piling up the cash to nearly double the minimum required by their own policy. They're touting a fiscal triumph of sorts — a surplus saga that's been building for years, all in the name of infrastructure that doesn't crumble beneath our feet, according to details made public in an online study session on May 2. See their budget breakdown here.

What's cooking in this year's budget pot? The Town wants streets that don't double as obstacle courses, so they're pumping a combined $42 million into the veins of the Public Works Department for a massive fixer-upper — patching up roads, laying down sidewalks, and keeping the paths shared and smooth. On the safety dance card, there's a solid $19 million for the Police Department to ensure the town's boys and girls in blue are top-notch in training and tooled up to the teeth for keeping the peace.

Lest we forget the playgrounds and green spaces, the Community Services Department is set to receive $10.5 million to ensure parks remain the town's pride and joy — places for kids to play and grown-ups to escape the daily grind. All of which will get its day in the sun at a public hearing and the final budget adoption, locked down for the Council Meeting come June 27.