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Published on May 23, 2024
San Diego County Expands Mount Olympus Preserve by 222 Acres in $1.64 Million Climate-Conscious DealSource: County of San Diego

In an eco-conscious play, San Diego County's green belt swells by 222 acres after the Board of Supervisors clinched a $1.64 million deal to boost the Mount Olympus County Preserve, as per sources from The unanimous decision, missing only Board Vice Chair Terra Lawson-Remer during the verdict, will envelop a total of over 1,400 acres in preservation, injecting the verdant region with an additional patch of chaparral and scrubland, home to wildlife like deer and mountain lions.

Touted to be conducive to the county's efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions—by approximately 282 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year—the acquisition is more than an environmental token. It is a testament to the county's allegiance to its Climate Action Plan; this strategic expansion marshals forward along a conservation march that has already seen the preserve grow significantly. Last June, they dropped $2.8 million on 425 acres, according to

Aligning with the County’s Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP), which harmonizes species protection with recreational and developmental needs, the latest acreage supports a coterie of native flora and fauna, inclusive of the coastal California gnatcatcher and San Diego horned lizard, County News Center reported. Park officials eye factors such as biology, connectivity, and potential for public access before snapping up open spaces that have bloated the conserved land to a hefty 80,519 acres in South County.

Mirroring the commitment to environmental stewardship, the recently purchased slice of serenity wasn't just for show. It was an operational move, with included expenses such as $370,000 in one-time land improvement costs and $348,000 for initial species monitoring. This demonstrates the county's seriousness about its ecological endeavors, further conveyed by