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Published on May 24, 2024
San Francisco Council Advocates for Veteran Protections with VSAFE Act Against Financial ScamsSource: Unsplash/ NFT gallery

With Memorial Day on the horizon, the city's council has given the green light to a resolution favoring the "Veterans Scam and Fraud Evasion (VSAFE) Act," a legislative move aimed to safeguard our nation's veterans against the increasing threat of financial scams. The statistics are startling; over 74,000 military retirees and older veterans were reportedly preyed upon last year alone, leading to instances of fraud or identity theft. With this in mind, the council's stance is a clear acknowledgment of the pressing need to fortify veterans against such exploitation.

Central to the VSAFE Act is the introduction of a new line of defense in the form of a dedicated Veterans Scam and Fraud Evasion Officer positioned within the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (V.A.). This role is to be fundamentally structured to quickly respond to, and effectively educate veterans on how to, avoid and report fraud. A clear mandate for scam prevention, reporting systems, and the drafting of airtight response plans will be the priority areas for the newly created office, according to details outlined in the resolution.

Backing the bill is Disabled American Veterans (DAV), an organization deeply invested in the welfare of those who served. The VSAFE Act is more than just a preventative measure; it is a promise to ensure veterans are able to claim and retain what is rightfully theirs — the benefits earned through their service. As per the announcement on the city's official website, the DAV illustrated that the legislation is designed to "provide consistent guidance on how to identify, report, and avoid fraud and scam attempts to veterans, military families, caregivers, and survivors."

The solidarity of the council with the VSAFE Act signals a unanimous message of support to our veterans. In a system where fraudsters too often evade consequence, this act serves as a bastion against the chaos they orchestrate.