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Published on May 23, 2024
Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles Admits to Falsely Claiming $320,000 Campaign LoanSource: Wikipedia/Andy Ogles

Republican Congressman Andy Ogles of Tennessee has come clean, admitting that he falsely claimed to have loaned his campaign a whopping $320,000. Following a series of amendments filed to his campaign finance reports, Ogles has acknowledged the truth of the loan being only $20,000, according to NewsChannel 5. This revelation was delivered alongside the filing of 11 amendments this Wednesday, all of which dated to back to April 2022, effectively retracting his previous claims of the larger amount.

The misrepresentation of his campaign finances by Ogles adds to a burgeoning list of inaccuracies and exaggerated personal claims, such as his professional background and academic credentials. Echoes of impropriety have begun to deeply resonate, first amplified by a report from MSNBC which noted past allegations of the congressman inflating his resume. Ogles once described himself as an economist and detailed an embellished law enforcement career, claims which were later debunked and traced back to mere attempts at condensing his resume, as per statements from his spokesperson.

In response to the recent admissions by Ogles, Courtney Johnston, a Metro Council member and GOP opponent, didn't mince words. Johnston charged, "Andy Ogles lied to the federal government and got caught," as reported by NewsChannel 5. Johnston's statement continued, suggesting that "normal folks get in big trouble for lying to the feds about money," but Ogles believes he deserves leniency due to his political status. Meanwhile, Democratic candidate Maryam Abolfazli took to Twitter to criticize Ogles' audacity, drawing parallels to the behavior of what she termed "the new extremist GOP."

The original scrutiny and subsequent ethics complaint lodged by the non-partisan Campaign Legal Center appear to have precipitated Ogles' latest admissions. They had previously cited concerns regarding Ogles' reported finances and alleged misrepresentations of his professional and educational background. Adding gravity to the situation, a parallel was drawn to the widely publicized case of former Representative George Santos by a Political Wire report, another lawmaker mired in controversy over fabricated claims.