Chicago/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on June 14, 2024
Albany Park Businesses on Edge Following Spate of Burglaries on Chicago's North SideSource: Google Street View

Businesses in Albany Park have been put on high alert after a series of commercial burglaries struck the 17th District, as detailed in a public notice by the Chicago Police Department. In a pattern of crime that preys on local enterprises, these incidents saw an unknown assailant or assailants breaking through the front glass doors to force entry and pilfer unspecified amounts of US currency before making a swift escape.

The crime spree, which unfolded with jarring precision in the early hours and once in the afternoon of June 12th, has remained pinned to a specific stretch of North McCormick Rd. with the incidents occurring at 2:29 am and the adjacent North Pulaski Rd. and North California Ave. coming under attack between 12:01 am and 4:15 am and at 3:33 pm, respectively, businesses, are now reckoning with the vulnerability of their storefronts as daylight wanes.

In light of the burglaries, the authorities have not yet been able to profile the offender or offenders due to a lack of information. However, business owners and community members have been urged to maintain vigilance. As the perpetrator remains unidentified and at large, the department encourages proactive measures, among these are heightened awareness, careful monitoring of suspicious individuals loitering near business premises, and ensuring the continual operation of surveillance equipment.

In the case of witnessing any related suspicious activity, calling 911 is imperative; providing comprehensive descriptions of the offender(s), associated vehicles, and any notable license plates could prove crucial in facilitating their capture and forestalling further incidents of this nature.