Philadelphia/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on June 18, 2024
FBI Philadelphia Reinforces Commitment to Civil Rights and Hate Crime Prevention During Pride MonthSource: City of Philadelphia

June is Pride Month, and the FBI's Philadelphia office is stepping forward to highlight its dedication to upholding civil rights and combating hate crimes in the community. As the primary federal agency responsible for investigating violations of federal civil rights statutes, the FBI ensures that all individuals within the United States are protected under these laws. According to their official announcement, the reminder is timely as the city gears up for Pride celebrations.

Wayne A. Jacobs, Special Agent in Charge of FBI Philadelphia, articulated the agency's stance on the issue: "Hate crimes are the highest priority of our civil rights program due to the devastating impact they have in our communities," he asserted. The FBI's civil rights program has evolved, now including the mandate to investigate crimes spurred by bias against a victim's sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender – this is a result of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009.

The FBI's proactive approach involves emphasis on partnerships with local law enforcement and community organizations. These collaborations aim to enhance the effectiveness of reporting and addressing civil rights abuses. This collective vigilance is crucial for the well-being of those celebrating Pride, ensuring that the festivities are marked by a spirit of inclusion and respect.

As the community comes together during Pride Month, the FBI is committed to supporting an environment where constitutional rights are upheld, ensuring that the spirit of justice permeates through every facet, of street parades to intimate gatherings. "We will continue to work diligently with our partners at every level to ensure all individuals are free to exercise their constitutional myself included," Jacobs shared, underscoring a collective dedication to diversity and equality.