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Published on June 28, 2024
Fort Lauderdale Officer John Giga Faces Termination After Alleged Racist Incident and Longstanding Disciplinary IssuesSource: Google Street View

An officer from the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, John Giga, is confronting potential dismissal due to an allegation of racism. Documented by an internal investigation, as reported by Local 10 News. Giga, with a 16-year tenure at the department, is accused of using racial slurs in an altercation caught on surveillance video on Thanksgiving 2023. The Miami Herald also confirms the recommendation for his firing by Ft. Lauderdale’s police leadership.

The incident under investigation, which culminated in a physical confrontation leaving Giga bruised and lying on the ground, occurred after he reportedly had been drinking, and it involved aggressive and racist behavior directed towards Black individuals, raising grave concerns about his conduct as an officer. Susan Grant, Fort Lauderdale's acting city manager, stated, “The chief of police issued a recommendation of termination for Officer John Giga following an internal affairs investigation" and confirmed he is currently on administrative leave with pay as the disciplinary review process continues.

Indignation has been voiced by both the NAACP and the Broward County Public Defender's office, demanding Giga's immediate removal. “This guy has no regard for any rules, anyone’s safety, or any dignity to the community that he serves,” Broward County Public Defender Gordon Weekes told Local 10 News. Marsha Ellison, president of the Broward County branch of the NAACP, asserted, “There’s no room on the Fort Lauderdale police force for racist officers. We expect that he will no longer continue to wear the uniform.”

Scrutiny extends beyond the Thanksgiving incident; there are disciplinary issues documented against Officer Giga dating as far back as 2013 and Giga's on-duty behavior that same evening involved him using a patrol car to visit several bars where he drank and he sent harassing text messages to a woman, which led her to hide from him upon his arrival at the bar the woman's account and Mr. Giga's bar visitations have been acknowledged by authorities as part of the investigation. Weekes has initiated a review of cases Giga was involved in, identifying six for further examination, highlighting the potential depth of Giga's indiscretions over his career and the implications it may have on past police work.

Miami-Crime & Emergencies