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Published on June 28, 2024
Houston's First Baptist Church Sienna Campus Poised for Expansion Amid Missouri City GrowthSource: Google Street View

The expansive campus of Houston's First Baptist Church in Missouri City's Sienna is set for a significant expansion, a move that reflects the area's rapid population growth and diverse community needs. Planned to open later this summer, the church at 4309 Sienna Parkway will see an increase in its capacity, growing to accommodate a congregation that has also increased in size almost as quickly as the ground it stands on, as reported by Houston Chronicle.

"Fort Bend County is one of the most ethnically diverse counties in America," Campus Pastor Malcolm Marshall said in a statement obtained by the Houston Chronicle. With a strong community ethos, he likened the church to a "big ol' pot of gumbo." The Sienna campus has approximately 900 congregants, necessitating the transition from one worship space that holds 200, to a new main worship center seating 600.

Seven years in the making and costing around $18 million, the ongoing project will add 74,000 square feet to the original 21,000-square-foot campus. This includes space dedicated to a variety of faith-based and community-centric activities, with 14 preschool rooms, a room for nursing mothers, and even an indoor jungle gym. "We really have a lot of young families out here," explained Ron Barkley, minister of operations at the Sienna campus, in an interview with the Houston Chronicle.

While the completion was hampered, having faced a nearly four-year delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, optimism remains high amongst the church's leadership for the potential of this expanded facility to serve its growing flock. Serving now will be a vast array of services, from Bible studies to youth programs, designed to meet the varied needs of its attendees. “If we didn't expand, we were going to run the risk of actually having to turn people away,” Marshall told the Houston Chronicle, conveying the urgency of the expansion in light of the burgeoning congregation. The implementation of additional Sunday services will help ease the squeeze caused by the influx of new members..

As the First Baptist Church's Sienna Campus stands on the threshold of this new phase, their leadership's commitment to inclusivity and growth is ever-evident. Marshall remarked to Community Impact about conversing with some realtors last week, noting that Sienna, a master-planned community, is only 85 percent complete. The church's grand opening plans are set to be announced.

Houston-Real Estate & Development