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Published on June 12, 2024
Mid-Michigan Couple and Attorney Win $842.4 Million Powerball, Pledge Philanthropy and Simple LifeSource: Google Street View

A mid-Michigan couple and their attorney have struck gold with an $842.4 million Powerball jackpot, as announced by Michigan Lottery Commissioner Suzanna Shkreli on Tuesday. The trio, part of a lottery group known as The Breakfast Club, secured the win from a New Year’s Day ticket purchased at the Food Castle in Grand Blanc Township, a fact confirmed by CBS News Detroit. Opting for immediate gratification, the club chose the lump sum payment of $305 million post-taxes.

Despite the life-altering win, the couple, whose names have not yet been made public, plans to maintain a semblance of their former lifestyle. "They've been elated and overwhelmed, thrilled and nervous," the group's lawyer and fellow club member, Mark Harder, expressed, as per The Detroit News. The couple's sentiments mirror this mix of excitement and trepidation – they are reportedly keen on sticking to their roots in mid-Michigan while considering future travels and acquiring a property to escape Michigan winters.

In line with Michigan law, which requires disclosure of the winner's name and city for multi-state game prizes, The Breakfast Club's representatives remained private, save for Harder's dual role as a spokesperson and legal representative. The Food Castle, a family-run business for over 20 years, also finds itself in the spotlight. Owner Nabil Nannoshi and family have pledged to distribute the $50,000 bonus they earned for selling the golden ticket among their employees and local charities, including a food pantry and the anti-abortion group Let Them Live. "The Lord has blessed us many times and we just like to give back," Nannoshi stated, as reported by The Detroit News

Nannoshi is not the only one taking a moment to appreciate the win's ripple effect; Harder mentioned that the breakfast club members plan to share their fortune with family members and contribute to other charitable causes. "Now, we're not financially bound to any specific timetable. The world and our opportunities have opened up in some incredible ways," he read from a statement prepared by the club, further explaining the gravity of the win's potential impact on their lives and the broader community, as cited by CBS News Detroit.