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Published on June 12, 2024
Oregon Governor Tina Kotek Declares June as LGBTQ+ Pride MonthSource: Unsplash/ Stavrialena Gontzou

Oregon's Governor Tina Kotek has officially named June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month across the state, honoring the rich history and diversity of the LGBTQ+ community. In a proclamation released on June 11th. Gov. Kotek expressed her ongoing commitment to ensuring every citizen of Oregon is welcomed and celebrated, “While we celebrate LGBTQ+ communities every month, June is dedicated to lifting up the invaluable contributions the LGBTQ+ community has made to our state and our world. I am committed to ensuring that all Oregonians across the state, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, feel welcomed and celebrated.”

Pulling text straight from the proclamation, Gov. Kotek emphasized, "Pride Month is a time to honor the resilience, diversity, and history of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, celebrating the contributions of individuals who have fought bravely to live openly and authentically, and recognizing the ongoing struggle for equity, dignity, and justice for all."

This year marks the fifty-fifth anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, a landmark event that greatly propelled the LGBTQIA2S+ rights movement and is still a source of inspiration today. Kyndall Mason, executive director of Basic Rights Oregon, highlighted the dual nature of the month, celebrating the stunning bravery and hard work of past leaders while keeping sight of challenges ahead. “At the same time, we’re mindful of all the room we still have to grow in terms of full legal and lived equality. Pride Month is a welcome reminder that being part of Oregon’s LGBTQ2SIA+ community is a great joy, and that we can achieve great things when we all come together.” Mason said in a statement.

Yet, the proclamation doesn't gloss over the ongoing obstacles faced by the community. It acknowledges the systemic barriers, violence, and discriminatory legislation that continue to disproportionately impact transgender individuals and BIPOC within the LGBTQIA2S+ community, By declaring June as Pride Month, Oregon is taking another step towards fostering spaces where LGBTQIA2S+ community members can feel safe and included.

Throughout the month, Oregon will be supporting and celebrating various culturally and community-specific Pride events. Gov. Kotek is focused on addressing disparities in economic, health, and social status to create a truly inclusive environment for the LGBTQIA2S+ community.