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Published on June 08, 2024
Philadelphia City Council Approves Inclusive Budget for FY 2025, Enhancing Community Services in West and Southwest PhillySource: Google Street View

With a nod to the hard work of local politicians, Philadelphia's City Council has taken a proactive step toward enriching the lives of its citizens through a city budget that aims to be more inclusive and community-focused. Councilmember Jamie Gauthier, representing the 3rd District, has voiced her support for the budget, highlighting the benefits it brings to West and Southwest Philly with a near $60 million increase over the Mayor’s initial budget proposal. According to a statement obtained by, Gauthier said, "Tonight I proudly voted in support of a budget that puts City Hall to work for West and Southwest Philly!"

One of the key achievements mentioned by Gauthier is the funding allocated to build a new permanently affordable housing complex at the former site of UC Townhomes. "I look forward to welcoming back the working-class, Black and brown families that have called this place home since it was known as the Black Bottom," Gauthier exclaimed. Her success is tied to partnerships with politicians such as Minority Leader Kendra Brooks and councilmembers like Rue Landau and Nicolas O’Rourke.

In addition to housing, Gauthier emphasized the budget's provision for rental assistance, which has seen a $19 million bump over what was proposed by the Mayor. Recognizing the challenges homeowners face, she also celebrated the backing for her low-income property tax freeze initiative. "With another round of property assessments just around the corner, we can now say that help is on the way," she stated, addressing the pressing issue of property tax increases.

The budget isn't just about homes and taxes; it's about improving the fabric of city life. An additional $5 million is set to bolster the Philadelphia Energy Authority's Built to Last program, which aligns with Gauthier's commitment over the past three budget cycles to enhance quality-of-life services through her #JustServicesPHL effort. She is thrilled with the Mayor's recognition of the importance of superior municipal services, remarking, "I am glad that under Mayor Parker’s leadership, this budget boldly improves the City services that keep our neighborhoods safe, clean, and healthy!"

Notable increases in funding also include efforts to address homelessness, upgrade 9-1-1 dispatch capabilities, support legal defense, and enhance cultural and horticultural projects within the city. Gauthier's statement conveyed gratitude to Council President Johnson and Mayor Parker for their leadership throughout the budgeting process. With a series of investments aimed at enriching the daily lives of Philadelphians and protecting the city’s vulnerable populations, the FY 2025 City Budget stands as a symbol of these leaders' dedication to their community and the shared vision for a brighter, more equitable future.