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Published on June 07, 2024
Philadelphia City Council Committee Approves Mayor Parker's 'One Philly' $2.39 Billion Budget Aimed at Safety and GrowthSource: City of Philadelphia

In a significant move for Philadelphia's fiscal future, Mayor Cherelle L. Parker's ambitious One Philly Budget reached a new milestone with City Council's Committee of the Whole sanctioning the amended Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Operating Budget and FY25-30 Capital Budget and Program. This preliminary nod sets the stage for over $2.39 billion to be funneled into areas critical to the city's growth: public safety, cleanliness and environmental consciousness, broad-based economic opportunities, educational advancement, and housing stability. Parker's vision revolves around propelling Philadelphia to become the Safest, Cleanest and Greenest Big City in America, with Economic Opportunity for All, according to Philadelphia's official website.

Placing homeowners at the heart of its focus, Mayor Parker's plan introduces an uptick in the Homestead Exemption from $80,000 to $100,000, mitigating property tax burdens by as much as $280. A complementary program freezes property tax hikes for low-income homeowners, offering some relief amid the fiscal labyrinth that often weighs down on city residents. "Residents will be able to see, touch, and feel the positive impacts of this budget in their neighborhoods, along their commercial corridors, and throughout Philadelphia," said Mayor Cherelle L. Parker. the Philadelphia government's website quotes her as asserting. An additional $1 million aims to bolster the Revenue Department's efforts to ensure that residents are well-informed and capable of tapping into these homeowner-centric programs.

Public safety takes a front seat with $636 million earmarked for measures including the hiring of 400 police officers, implementing fresh and expanded community policing strategies, and scaling up anti-violence grants. These initiatives are built upon Mayor Parker's Public Safety Plan, which was set into motion immediately upon her taking office. The strategy collates both technological advancements and strategic personal deployment to counteract violent crime and address property-related offenses and quality-of-life crimes.

With a focus on sustainability, $477 million is dedicated to transforming Philadelphia through increased citywide cleaning and greening efforts. Garbage collection frequency will see an uptick in areas grappling with prevalent trash problems, while initiatives such as PHL Taking Care of Business venture beyond targeted commercial spaces into residential neighborhoods. Economic progress comes in the form of a $306 million commitment, building a foundation for job training and intertwining workforce development with commitments to direct employment. “I said in March, ‘don’t just listen to what I say, watch what we do’. I hoped we would work together with diplomacy, diligence and purpose to implement a budget for the People of Philadelphia,” Mayor Parker indicated. Today's resolution sets a gold standard for her administration's diligence and intention to serve all Philadelphians with practical and discernible benefits.

Education and housing sectors are not left behind, with significant investments planned to boost local schools and housing conditions. Alongside a proposed millage share uptick, substantial funding will enhance the School District's resources, establish extended learning opportunities, and promote a collaborative City College pipeline geared towards municipal employment. The housing budget receives a $100 million influx to champion housing production and preservation projects while also providing an assistive framework for homeownership accessibility and rental assistance.