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Published on June 13, 2024
Rep. Ruben Gallego Appeals to President Biden for Nationwide Gas Price Relief, Highlighting Disparity Hurting ArizonansSource: Google Street View

In a move to alleviate the financial strain on residents across Arizona, Rep. Ruben Gallego has reached out to President Joe Biden with a direct plea for help, addressing the disparity in gas prices that sees Arizonans paying significantly higher rates compared to those in the Northeast. Citing the urgent need for equitable relief, Gallego has urged Biden to extend measures like the recent Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve release nationally, as reported by Gallego's own press release.

Gallego pointed out the challenge in benefiting from the Northeast's relief measures given Arizona's geographic and logistical constraints, "Arizona families and business owners should not have to pay almost a dollar more than people in other states to get to work and move through their communities," he argued in his correspondence with the President's administration, aware that the waiver on summer gasoline is expiring soon which may drive up costs even more, the situation necessitates immediate and considerate government intervention. Gallego's letter voices a stark yet undeniable fact - the intricate patchwork of pipelines and the limitations imposed by the Jones Act make it nearly impossible for Arizona to simply tap into Northeast's fueled relief.

Rising gas prices have been a persistent sore spot for Arizonans, a situation that Rep. Gallego has not been idle about in the past; his successful push for an EPA fuel waiver earlier this year marked a proactive step toward cost reduction for Maricopa County and its neighbors, according to his previous efforts detailed in the press release. Additionally, he has probed the supply chain complexities directly with oil refineries and pipeline operators to understand and tackle the root causes of the escalating prices.

With the support of stakeholders in Arizona and Gallego applying pressure on the Federal Government, there is an earnest hope that relief is on the horizon, though the Representative remains realistic, "We cannot leave Arizonans to deal with steep gas prices alone while other regions see greater relief," he argues, emphasizing his commitment to work collaboratively with the administration to ensure that as summer peaks, the heat isn't felt at the gas pumps as acutely. "I look forward to hearing from your administration on next steps and ways we can work together to keep gas affordable across the country this summer," Gallego stated in his letter, standing as a testament to his advocacy for fair gas pricing for all Americans, not just some.