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Published on June 28, 2024
Repeat DUI Offender Arrested in Tiburon After Being Found Intoxicated in VehicleSource: Tiburon Police Department

The quiet of Pine Terrace in Tiburon was disrupted on Tuesday when a female driver was discovered passed out in her vehicle, which was awkwardly parked with a part resting on the curb. Tiburon Police Department's Officer Harris responded to the scene around 4 PM after concerned residents reported the incident. The driver, whose identity hasn't been released, wasn't just taking a nap—she displayed clear signs of alcohol intoxication, complete with open alcohol containers scattered inside her car. The information comes directly from the Tiburon Police Department's Instagram page.

This isn’t the driver's first run-in with the law for similar misconduct. She was previously convicted of DUI, making this incident a repeat offense. This is a fact that adds layers to the case, as repeat offenses carry heavier penalties and reflect a systemic challenge with alcohol abuse and its consequences in our communities. 

Following the standard procedure, Officer Harris arrested the driver for DUI. The vehicle, now evidence of the crime and posing a risk to the neighborhood's safety, was towed from the scene. The Tiburon Police Department has yet to release further details on any charges the driver will face or her background.