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Published on June 16, 2024
States Loosen Raw Milk Regulations Amidst Bird Flu Concerns, H5N1 Detected in Austin WastewaterSource: Unsplash / Zachariah Smith

As legislatures across the nation grapple with food safety in the wake of rising bird flu fears, many states are taking a softer stance on raw milk regulations. NewsNation reports that despite the entrenched warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the risks of consuming unpasteurized milk, states such as Montana, North Dakota, Alaska, Georgia, Wyoming, and most recently Delaware and West Virginia, have enacted laws to allow or expand its sale. "Constituents and advocates across Delaware have been consuming raw milk for decades, having to cross state lines to purchase the product legally," said Sen. Eric Buckson, the author of Delaware's bill, recognizing both the demand and potential economic benefits.

On a related public health front, the presence of the H5N1 avian flu has been detected in Austin's wastewater, although the threat to humans remains low according to local health officials. The Austin Public Health Department, following the discovery, emphasized that "it is important to note that current influenza trends are low and the detection of influenza viruses in wastewater does not necessarily indicate undetected human cases," as in a statement obtained by the Austin American Statesman. Public health authorities stress that H5N1 is primarily spread through contact with infected animals, and human cases - four in the U.S. this year - have been linked to direct inaction with the diseased livestock.

The CDC explains that while there is an increase in human exposure risk due to contact with infected animals, the likelihood of H5N1 spreading from birds to humans has not spiked. Nevertheless, raw milk consumption raises concerns given its potential to harbor foodborne pathogens like salmonella and listeria. The CDC remains steadfast in its assertion that "pasteurized milk offers the same nutritional benefits without the risks of raw milk consumption," despite claims to the contrary by some raw milk proponents.

Health experts seem to be cautiously optimistic that H5N1 will not precipitate a human pandemic, noting that the avian flu has been under study for decades. Dr. Desmar Walkes of the Austin-Travis County Health Authority mentioned, "We are in a much better place," alluding to the preparedness for avian flu relative to the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The current influenza antiviral medications are thought to be effective against H5N1, and a strategic national reserve of these antivirals is maintained for outbreak scenarios, as understood from comments by the Austin American Statesman.