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Published on July 01, 2024
Las Vegas Man Accused of Murdering Girlfriend's 1-Year-Old Son, Denied Bail Amid Allegations of Severe AbuseSource: GoFundMe

In a grim revelation, 28-year-old Christian Moniz Rabino has been accused of murdering Kai Tesoro, the 1-year-old son of his girlfriend, after allegedly inflicting severe physical harm on the child, a distressing incident that has shaken the Las Vegas community. According to a report obtained by FOX5, on June 1, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department was alerted to a situation involving the unresponsive child, who later died despite urgent medical attention; the case has thrown a stark light on issues of domestic violence and child endangerment.

Doctors at Summerlin Pediatrics Emergency Room found several serious injuries on Kai, including brain bleeds, a fractured leg, and signs indicative of non-accidental trauma, such as those "shaking back and forth" as stated by a doctor of Ophthalmology who mentioned to police officers that this was "one of the worst cases he had seen," causing further alarm about the severity of the abuse Kai suffered, Kai's mother initially claimed that the boy had fallen from a bed an explanation that was later contradicted by the findings of the medical experts and she later admitted to witnessing Moniz Rabino shake the child in frustration.

Moniz Rabino, in what appears to be a pattern of denial, provided conflicting accounts to the police, suggesting Kai had a fever and seizure leading up to the tragic day he stopped breathing, and in a subsequent turn of events, last week Las Vegas Justice Court Judge Eric Goodman denied bail for Rabino, as reported by FOX5.

A closer look at the events that unfolded reveals a harrowing timeline where Moniz Rabino ultimately became the suspect behind the fatal injuries inflicted upon Kai, as detailed by 8 News Now, who further informed that Kai's family has chosen to donate his organs in an act of generosity aimed at bringing hope to other children in dire need of transplants. Kai's passing has been met with an outpouring of grief, as evidenced by sentiments expressed on a GoFundMe page his grandfather, Steve Teroso, called Kai a "true hero" and shared that "Kai was a joyful and spirited child who brought immense happiness to everyone who knew him, bringing instant smiles to those he met." The family is currently fundraising to cover funeral costs and to support therapy and education for Kai's 3-year-old sister.

What compounds the tragedy is testimony from a friend of Kai's mother, who recalled a concerning phone call where one of the children mentioned "Christian hit my brother," and mentioned witnessing bruises on the mother herself, whose responses were vague and evasive, Moniz Rabino has refused a follow-up interview with the authorities on the advice of his attorney, as per the policy of defense, Rabino's preliminary hearing is scheduled for August 7, and the case continues to develop as the community reckons with the loss of a young life cut abruptly and tragically short, as per FOX5.