San Antonio/ Community & Society
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Published on July 01, 2024
San Antonio Water System Initiates Stage 3 Watering Restrictions Amid Severe DroughtSource: City of Helotes

As the dry spell continues to grip the region, the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) has announced tighter constraints on water usage to manage dwindling resources. According to an update provided by the City of Helotes official website, SAWS initiated Stage 3 Watering Restrictions, a move entailing strict oversight on the hours households and businesses can water their landscapes. These restrictions are a response to the persistent and severe drought conditions impacting the area.

Effective immediately, landscape watering with an irrigation system, sprinkler, or soaker hose will be allowed only once a week, and within specified hours. The permitted watering period is from 5 – 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. – midnight on the designated watering day for each address. SAWS has made it clear the need to strictly enforce and possibly strictly continue these measures until there is a substantial improvement in water levels. Residents are urged to verify their watering day which aligns with the last number of their street address and adhere strictly to the set schedules.

SAWS' decision to advance to Stage 3 restrictions reflects a broader consideration of water supply challenges in Southwest Texas. This stage of restriction is indicative of a lessening aquifer level, which necessitates immediate actions to conserve the vital resource. The full details of the Stage 3 Watering Restrictions, including the watering schedule and the various rules residents must follow, can be found on the City of Helotes official website.

Community response to the new restrictions will be essential in determining the longevity and success of the conservation efforts. It is imperative that the public grasp the seriousness of the situation and works collectively to reduce water consumption. Penalties for noncompliance include fines, and SAWS has a protocol in place to monitor adherence.