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Published on July 01, 2024
St. Petersburg Coast Guard Rescues Three After Boat Sinks Near Egmont KeySource: United States Coast Guard

Three individuals are safely back on land after their boat sank near Egmont Key, as reported by the U.S. Coast Guard this past Saturday evening. The group's distress call was swiftly answered by a Coast Guard crew stationed in St. Petersburg, according to FOX 13 News.

The incident took place around 10 p.m. when the unfortunate boat began to quickly take on water. Not a moment too soon, the crew from St. Pete was able to effectively launch to their aid. Their timely response was critical in ensuring the safety of the three people stranded at sea. In a statement obtained by WTSP, it was mentioned that the passengers had managed to call for help using a radio and were equipped with life jackets, which may have helped to keep them afloat while they awaited rescue.

Upon the Coast Guard's arrival at the scene of the sinking, the conditions of the individuals were assessed. Fortunately, it appeared that there were no immediate health concerns. The Coast Guard's quick reaction and the boaters' preparation with life-saving equipment emphasized the importance of safety procedures and equipment while at sea.

The investigation continues as the details are still emerging regarding what precisely caused the boat to sink.

Tampa-Crime & Emergencies