Eugene City Council Tackles Budget and Urban Growth in Upcoming Sessions, Invites Public Participation
The Eugene City Council has scheduled work sessions and meetings in February to discuss budget priorities, urban growth, and public space needs, encouraging both in-person and virtual participation.
Clark County Elections Office to Conduct Manual Audit of 600 Ballots in Vancouver School District Vote
Clark County Election Office will perform a manual audit of 600 random ballots from the Vancouver School District proposition on February 12 for accuracy verification. Public can observe; last-minute voting registrations are on February 11.
Portland Councilor Morillo Advocates for Safety Improvements on SE Cesar Chavez Blvd Following Recent Tragic Incident
Councilor Morillo is advocating for safety improvements on SE Cesar Chavez Blvd after a recent tragic incident, planning to work with PBOT and the Transportation and Infrastructure committee.