The Page Street Baptist Center at the corner of Page and Steiner could be demolished and replaced with four four-story buildings, according to a plan currently under consideration.
The Center is located at 690 Page Street, adjacent to a City CarShare parking lot. Back in September, the site's owner received a Preliminary Project Assessment from the Planning Department evaluating his proposal. In that initial assessment, the project was described thusly:
The Center is located at 690 Page Street, adjacent to a City CarShare parking lot. Back in September, the site's owner received a Preliminary Project Assessment from the Planning Department evaluating his proposal. In that initial assessment, the project was described thusly:
"The proposal is to demolish the existing 2,048-square-foot, single-story structure and surface parking lot, and subdivide the 7,749-square-foot corner parcel into four parcels. The project would include the construction of four residential buildings on the newly created parcels. Each residential building would contain three units in four-stories, at 40-feet in height with a ground-floor garage. The proposed new development would include a total of 12 dwelling units, 12 off-street parking spaces, and 22,671 square feet of residential use."The Planning Department indicated that the proposal would be subject to a number of environmental reviews, and a historic evaluation, as the structure is more than 50 years old. (It was built in 1959.) The owner is also required to host a preliminary neighborhood notification meeting, and it appears that that will occur next Thursday, January 24th, at 6:30pm at the Center itself, according to a letter distributed to neighbors. The Page Street Center used to host weekly worship services and a food bank, but last year the food bank program ended, and the Center appears to have ceased its regular operations. The City CarShare lot, meanwhile, remains in use. We'll keep an eye on it.