A proposal that first surfaced a year and a half ago is gaining steam with the city's Planning Department.
Reader Phil D. alerted us to a notice posted last week on the parking lot that currently occupies the northeast corner of Page and Steiner. The notice reads, in part:
"The proposal is to demolish the existing one-story building and parking lot and construct four multi-family buildings with three dwelling units each, totaling 12 dwelling units. The four buildings would be 4-stories in height with roof decks."
According to a preliminary project assessment (PPA), all of the units would be 3-bedrooms.
When this project first surfaced early last year, one concern raised by residents was the effect it would have on parking in the area. Those new garage entrances, which will all be on Page Street, will mean the loss of two parking spots, according to the PPA. However, as the Steiner Street driveway to the car share lot will be removed, one additional parking space will be created on Steiner. So, it's a net loss of one on-street parking space.
Another aspect of the project is the demolition of the Page Street Baptist Center at 690 Page. The PPA finds that the building, which was constructed in 1959, has no historic value. In fact, the height, scale, and configuration of the new project is considered more in character with the neighborhood than the existing building, according to Planning Department staff.
The plans are now subject to a 30-day review period, during which members of the public may comment and/or raise concerns. If no objections are raised, the project would be approved. The developer estimates that construction will take about 12 months.
If you'd like more information or want to provide feedback, you can contact Planning Department staff member Christine Lamorena at christine [dot] lamorena {{at}} sfgov [dot] org, or call 415-575-9085.