Bay Area/ San Francisco/ Parks & Nature
Published on October 20, 2016
Planting For 50 Donated Alamo Square Trees Breaks GroundWorkers planting a Monterey Cypress. (Images: TS Studio Landscape Architects)

Back in June, we reported that the Alamo Square Neighborhood Association had reached its $50,000 fundraising goal for donating over 100 trees to Alamo Square Park, which is currently undergoing a massive renovation. ASNA pledged to match funds up to the $50,000 mark, and the organization reportedly ended up raising over $130,000 before all was said and done.

Today and tomorrow mark the first phase of planting for said trees, and about 50 are set to go in the ground throughout the park. 

"It's been a great experience to rally the neighborhood around the park we all love," said ASNA's John Dallas. "Raising the money was the easy part, and when the Alamo Square Neighborhood Association matched the first $50,000, we knew it was going to be a successful program."

"The gifts of $20 and $30 are really touching... [all] from neighbors who believe that planting trees and continuing the legacy of this beloved space is a worthwhile endeavor," Dallas said. 

The fundraiser was created to address the fact that 60 of Alamo Square's trees have died over the past five years. Ultimately, the group hopes to plant 150 to 300 trees in their place. Here's a copy of the plan:

ASNA's gift "is kind of unique," said Dallas. "It’s more like a trust fund then a one-off check. We are donating not only the money to buy the trees, but a thoughtful 42-page report prepared by TS Studio Landscape Architects that lines out what species to plant, where to place them, and what year they should go in."

The project will encompass a wide variety of trees, all intended to serve different purposes for parkgoers. For example, Monterey cypresses and canary island pines will serve as wind buffers.

Other species to be planted during this phase include canyon live oaks, Japanese cherry trees, weeping willows, big-leaf maples, and California bay laurels Catalina ironwoods, New Zealand Christmas trees,  evergreen oak trees, kauri, and totara trees. A complete copy of the reforestation plan is available here.

At the end of September, the park was reportedly about halfway through its renovation, and slated for a March 2017 reopening. We'll keep you posted as more park-related details emerge.

For more details on the Trees For Future Generations Program, visit