If you rely on Dolores Park's flat field for your recreational needs, you may want to make alternate plans for the next two months.
Starting Monday, Dec. 19th, the flat multi-use field on the north side of Dolores Park will be closed for an annual maintenance project in preparation for the park's high-traffic spring and summer.
The field will remain closed until February 10th, with the slopes and dog play area, as well as the entire south side of the park, remaining open, according to Rec and Parks spokesman Joey Kahn.
"On the multi-use field, we will be aerating the lawn, fertilizing, seeding, and adding some compost mulch," he explained. "This work will be done shortly after the closure and then will need to rest to allow for the various applications to take effect, for seeds to germinate, and to be prepared for the busy spring and summer at Dolores Park."
The field will be open, albeit possibly a bit muddy, for the next couple days, so stop by now for a final hurrah to last you until February.