SF Planning has completed its preliminary project assessment for the 320-foot-tall tower proposed for 98 Franklin St., currently a surface parking lot, by the French American International School. And if proposed rezoning of the area moves forward as expected, it appears the plan could move forward without any major hurdles.
As proposed, the tower would include 70,000 square feet of institutional space for the school (including including 30-40 classrooms), 301 dwelling units, 5,900 square feet of commercial space across two ground-floor units and 152 vehicle parking spaces on two basement-level floors.
The school's current campus is located about one block away, at 150 Oak St.
At the moment, the main concern is the tower's proposed height, which far exceeds the property's height limit—85 feet—currently stipulated by the Market and Octavia Area Plan. But that may not be an issue for long.
Planning's assessment explains that the city is currently in the latter stages of developing a new area plan for the Market Street Hub. Once approved, that plan could potentially rezone this property with a 320-foot height limit.
Although, tempering excitement, the report also notes that the area plan's height limits and zoning modifications must be approved by both the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.
Another code-compliance issue the Hub Area Plan may render obsolete: including institutional use up to the fifth floor. Currently, institutional uses aren't permitted above the fourth floor, but the Hub area plan may change that in the future as well.
SocketSite notes that, apart from those issues, Planning did not raise any substantial red flags.
One alteration the department did suggest: reduce or eliminate off-street parking from the project scope. The initial plan calls for a new curb cut on Oak Street, providing access to the 152-vehicle parking garage and off-street loading zone—which don't appear to comply with Planning Code, the department stated.
Next steps for the project include conducting outreach to neighbors and submitting additional documents, such as an environmental evaluation, before August 2018.
According to Planning's assessment, the developer plans to seek approval of the plans once the Hub area plan is either certified or rejected—the final decision on that is expected to come in the fall of 2018. So, no need to find alternative parking just yet.
This is just one of the French American International School's proposed developments in the area. The school is also seeking to demolish the vacant former 'Jews for Jesus' building at 80-84 Page St., and replace it with a fenced outdoor yard for students.