Bay Area/ San Francisco/ Food & Drinks
Published on November 17, 2017
Calling All Adventurous Spirits [Sponsored]Photo: Fernet-Branca

Per La Mente"for the mind" in Italian— is being presented by Fernet-Branca to chronicle new possibilities in the world of creative experiences.

The site is endlessly curious about exploring underground, experiential, and elusive culture, as well as shining a spotlight on the artists and creators who make and love it. With every story, Per La Mente shares a spark of mystery, a hint of eccentricity, a dash of staggering originality, and a tinge of passionate genius. 

Through Per La Mente, Fernet-Branca is engaging dreamers, explorers, and adventurers — inspiring readers with visceral experiences, wildly unique cultural movements, fervently driven creatives, and outrageous innovations in libations and the culinary arts.

Have you ever wanted to journey through an undulating rainbow?

Think of Per La Mente as the conduit to the path less traveled, a guide to the inspiring and visionary culture that is just waiting to be uncovered.

Discover things like the Lost Horizon Night Market, an itinerant art carnival contained within the backs of box trucks.

The stories go far beyond the norm and into the remarkable, like the delightfully unnecessary culinary experience Per La Mente created featuring cocktails made by drones.

Are you ready to open your mind and discover some splendid adventures? Click here to read them all, and follow along for incredible new stories every week.