There’s more to being part of a community than simply where you live.
Hoodline analyzed the city's past week on Twitter, paying special attention to accounts that are devoted to community life — things like parks, animals, healthy living and education. Why? We wanted to discover and share the things that inspired your social media conversations on those topics.
Here are some of last week's can't-miss tweets on the topic of health in the city.
Overall, St. Louis saw a drop in Twitter conversations regarding health last week — 72, compared to 85 the past week.
Yet some tweets proved popular. Here's a case in point, by @mcbridetd:
Study: 8M Middle Income Seniors Will Struggle To Afford Housing
— Timothy McBride (@mcbridetd)
Twitter users rewarded that with two local retweets, four local quotes and eight total retweets, quotes and favorites.
On Wednesday, @PPMO_Advocates tweeted:
#MoLeg politicians are so obsessed with abortion that they’re cutting access to preventive care that prevents unintended pregnancy & keeps Missourians healthy & safe. Thanks to Sens. @JasonHolsman and @JillSchupp & @LaurenArthurMO for standing up for Missourians’ health care!
— Planned Parenthood Advocates in Missouri (@PPMO_Advocates)
How popular was it? The tweet garnered four local retweets and five total retweets, quotes and favorites.
On Thursday, @MoFoundHealth tweeted:
"Revelations cast doubt on Missouri's claim that 'improved economy' shrunk Medicaid rolls" (via @stltoday)
— MoFoundationHealth (@MoFoundHealth)
Hoodline helps you keep up with news and events from the city's parks and trails.
St. Louis witnessed about the same volume of Twitter conversations about parks last week compared with the week before.
Part of the driving force behind that was this tweet by @ForestPark4Ever:
Join @StlCityGov & @ForestPark4Ever for Party Central tomorrow! Check out all of the improvements that have been made to Emerson Central Fields. #StLouis @PiTruckSTL, @TheWanderingSCB, and @SeoulTaco will be there! Learn more
— Forest Park Forever (@ForestPark4Ever)
How popular was it? The tweet garnered 16 local retweets, 20 local quotes and 30 total retweets, quotes and favorites.
The state of the schools affects everyone in the city, regardless of whether they have kids in the education system.
St. Louis experienced little change in Twitter conversations around schools last week compared with the past week.
But users in the city were still active on Twitter, amplifying tweets about schools. For example, this tweet from @rockwoodschools:
For the 15th year in a row and Rockwood has received the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International Certificate of Excellence (COE) in Financial Reporting Award.
— Rockwood School Dist (@rockwoodschools)
Twitter users rewarded that with one local retweet and 16 total retweets, quotes and favorites.
Whether you're more interested in academics, sports or service to the community, universities bring compelling content to Twitter every day. We've compiled the most popular tweets of the past week regarding colleges in the city.
St. Louis had little change in Twitter conversations around universities last week compared with the week before.
Yet some tweets proved popular. One was this tweet by @MUExtSTL:
We appreciate @StLouisCityCA, Kim Gardner, @stlcopa, Wesley Bell, and @ArchCityDefense Executive Director, Blake Strode, and speaking to our Neighborhood Leadership Fellows about safety and justice today. #safety #justice #MUExtSTL
— MU Extension STL (@MUExtSTL)
This story was created automatically using data from Twitter, then reviewed by an editor before publication. Click here for more about how and why Hoodline is automating local news. Got thoughts about what we're doing? Go here to share your feedback.