Looking to explore the top bookstores around?
Hoodline crunched the numbers to find the top bookstores in Indianapolis, using both Yelp data and our own secret sauce to produce a ranked list of where to venture next time you're in the market for bookstores.
1. Indy Reads Bookstore
Topping the list is Indy Reads Bookstore. Located at 911 Massachusetts Ave. downtown, the bookstore, used bookstore and community service/non-profit spot is the highest rated bookstore in Indianapolis, boasting five stars out of 91 reviews on Yelp.
2. Porter Books & Bread
Next up is Porter Books & Bread, situated at 5719 Lawton Loop E Drive With 4.5 stars out of 96 reviews on Yelp, the bookstore, which offers sandwiches, coffee and tea and more, has proven to be a local favorite.
3. Books & Brews - Broad Ripple
Broad Ripple's Books & Brews - Broad Ripple, located at 6420 Cornell Ave., is another top choice, with Yelpers giving the bookstore and brew pub four stars out of 48 reviews.
This story was created automatically using local business data, then reviewed and augmented by an editor. Click here for more about what we're doing. Got thoughts? Go here to share your feedback.