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Published on January 02, 2020
Top Boston news: Teen killed in crash in Plymouth; toddler's death under investigation; morePhoto: iStock

Missed the most recent top news in Boston? Read on for everything you need to know.

2-year-old's death under investigation

A source said the toddler was found on a couch wrapped in a blanket with head trauma and bruises Saturday night.

Read the full story on Boston 25 News.

Plymouth reeling after crash kills teen

Police said a car was hit early Sunday by a truck driven by 31-year-old Gregory Goodsell. He allegedly was driving while impaired and flew through a red light in his company pick-up truck, killing 13-year-old Claire Zisserson, a passenger in the car.

Read the full story on Boston 25 News.

Med student accused of trying to smuggle cancer research to China

A medical student from China who U.S. authorities say tried to smuggle cancer research material taken from a Boston hospital out of the country is being held without bail.

Read the full story on Boston 25 News.

5 people evacuated after partial building collapse in South End

The five-story brick building at 23 Upton St. building was posted as unoccupied. 

Read the full story on NBC10 Boston.

Warren holds rally, gives speech on New Year’s Eve in Boston

Presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren offered a sharp rebuke of President Trump and drew pointed contrasts with some of her Democratic rivals in a major speech on Tuesday.

Read the full story on Boston Herald.

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