An unsettling event unfolded during the early hours on Monday morning, as a seemingly random act of violence transpired at San Francisco's AA Bakery, located on the intersection of Stockton and Jackson Streets. The 17-year-old Chinatown staple was plunged into chaos as an unidentified assailant entered the bakery and without a word, ruthlessly stabbed an employee in the neck. Thankfully, the victim is reported to now be in stable condition. Witnesses described the suspect as displaying a complete lack of emotion during the attack. In a rapid response, the San Francisco Police Department took the suspect into custody moments after the incident. However, there has been no official confirmation of an arrest, and neither the suspect nor the victim have been identified to the public as of yet. Continue reading on SFist →
Anyone possessing valuable information regarding this incident is encouraged to call the SFPD tip line at 415-575-4444, or to text a tip to TIP411 and begin the message with "SFPD." All communications will be handled anonymously, ensuring the protection of those who choose to come forward.
Image: Robert T. via Yelp