Minneapolis/ Food & Drinks
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Published on January 19, 2024
Minneapolis Unveils Grants for Urban Farming and Food Waste Projects in Climate Initiative PushSource: Unsplash/Gigi

In an effort to turn a new leaf in the fight against climate change and local hunger, Homegrown Minneapolis is doling out cold hard cash to anyone who can green up urban farming, or help cut down on the city's food waste. The initiative, nested within Minneapolis' Health Department, is a piece of the broader City's Climate Legacy Initiative and is waving a financial carrot in front of community organizations — $5,000 to $25,000 — to get their environmentally-friendly agriculture projects off the ground.

According to a bulletin from the city, the eligible projects range from "sustainable growing" initiatives including educational programs and resource access, to "season extension," where the construction of energy-efficient growing structures for fruits and vegetables is the game. Not to mention, there's a push on to curb food waste in the city, through prevention, food rescue, and composting efforts. But, time's ticking, as the deadline to apply sneaks up on February 14th, 2024, and late applications are a no-go.

But, before submitting their grand ideas, prospective applicants should pencil in the date of January 24, 2024, at 2 p.m. for a crucial webinar hosted online via Teams. Handy for anyone looking for the skinny on this green endeavor, the webinar promises answers to burning questions and a walk-through of the application procedure. Details and access to the webinar are available here. What's more, for those whose schedules are jam-packed, the city's got their back as a recorded version will be posted online post-webinar.

The process to apply isn't akin to untangling Christmas lights either. Applicants simply need to sign up as a "Supplier" on the City's E-Supplier portal, no matter if they're long-timers or fresh faces. Once registered, the path to the "RFP for 2024 Homegrown Minneapolis Community Projects" is but a few clicks away, under "Contracting Opportunities." And fret not, the city has also thrown in a selection of how-to videos and instructions to make navigating E-Supplier a breeze.

It’s a move that's rooted in Minneapolis' growing commitment to environmental sustainability and its core goal to support local food systems, which, by its nature, impacts the quality of life for city dwellers. The initiative aims not only to nourish the urban landscape but also to feed the mouths of the many and reduce the waste that haunts both environmental and economic health of the city. And if some greenbacks can help turn the tide on these pressing issues, all the better.